Campaign Better
We’re not a company that just wants to create clever ads or glitzy web features. We want to help you build your organization’s power to advance good causes.
Our skilled campaigners and specialists are nimble, fast and responsive, and can help with any aspect of your campaign as you take it from vision to victory.
We’re affordable because we’re in it to fight for justice, and we know progressive causes are rarely flush with money.
Driven by passion, principle and practicality, we want to make lasting and headache-free improvements to your digital and campaign strength.
Get the campaign gears you need to win.
Our partners
Canadian Association of Labour Media
Best Video 2017
CUPE Saskatchewan, Campaign Gears
Best Campaign 2016
Alberta Federation of Labour
Best Video 2017
SEIU Healthcare
Best Campaign Website 2014
CUPE 3903
Campaign Gears is a digital, organizing and communications company.
We provide you with tested tech and organizing methods from the most innovative progressive campaigns. We support you with the tools, training and tune-ups you need to advance your cause and meet your long-term goals in the union, non-profit or progressive sector. Learn more about our philosophy, process and work.